Good Mourning Prayer...

Good morning! Or should I say, "good mourning" for those of us who struggle to get out of bed and connect with the Big Guy upstairs. Let's be honest, we all have that urge to wake up and pray, but then the reality of our phone alarms, social media and morning breath kick in, and we're like, "eh, maybe tomorrow."

I mean, who wouldn't want to wake up and have a nice little chat with God, right!?!? He's like the world's dopest therapist, but without the awkward crying and tissues. And let's not turn a blind eye to the benefits of divine protection and blessings. But alas, as the alarm rings undesirably the snooze buttons and social media feeds always seem to win the battle for our attention.

It's like the enemy himself designed our morning routines to distract us from connecting with God. Our phones light up like Times Square on New Years Eve, and we can't resist the urge to check our notifications. And don't even get me started on the morning breath either. It's like the halitosis gremlins came in the middle of the night and set up shop in our mouths.

But fear not, my fellow strugglers, discipline is the key to conquering our morning distractions. And let's be real, discipline is about as easy as getting a toddler to sit still for five minutes. It takes effort, determination, and a willingness to resist the temptation of social media.

So, how do we become disciplined morning prayer warriors? Well, first off, we can start by setting our alarms a little earlier, encourage ourselves to start the day off exactly how we planned and actually getting out of bed when the alarm goes off. I know, I know, it sounds crazy, but trust me, it works.

And for those of us with morning breath that could bring Thanos to the brink of surrender without lifting a finger, there's always mouthwash. It's like a minty fresh miracle that will keep us from passing out during our morning prayers.

In conclusion, let's not let our morning distractions keep us from connecting with God. With a little discipline, determination, and mouthwash, we can start our days off right and honor Him with our first thoughts and prayers. So, wake up, smell the coffee, and let's get praying!